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Here, near the old weir of the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal, archaeologists found conspicuous coloured markings in the clay soil. These marked the remains of wooden posts and a pit containing weaving weights.

Based on these few clues, the researchers concluded that a weaving house with a loom stood here 2500 years ago, during the Iron Age. They reconstructed the building from the archaeological finds.

Archaeologists can only find such fragile evidence if others have not been here before them, searching for treasure and churning up the earth!

In fact, there weren’t many other discoveries as the people who lived here then led simple lives, with few ornaments or show-off possessions. A nail clipper made of iron, probably part of the toiletry set of a rich farmer, is one of the exceptions.

Most people lived in simple buildings made of wood, clay and wickerwork. But they did have their own weaving house here! What does that tell us about them and the society they lived in?”