Das Bild zeigt Leopold, einen Archäologen aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, der freigestellt vom Hintergrund zu sehen ist. Er trägt typische Kleidung aus dieser Zeit. Eine Hand hält er mit erhobenem Zeigefinger in die Luft, während er sich mit der anderen Hand auf einen Schirm abstützt. In der Sprechblase neben ihm steht der Satz: "Wer innovativ ist, der wird über kurz oder lang die Nase vorn haben!".

“It often seems that those who innovate and develop new techniques sooner or later come out on top! That’s how it went with the use of stone, copper, bronze and finally iron.

A sword forged from good quality iron will smash or bend a bronze sword with ease! So anyone who had an iron sword had an immense advantage in warfare. It is also easier to cut and work wood with an iron axe. That saves time and gives greater scope for creativity! Time and creativity could be used to learn and develop other techniques, such as blacksmithing.

Iron was also easier and more readily available than the copper and tin needed to make bronze. It could usually be melted down and processed on site. So no wonder then that in human history, the Bronze Age was replaced by the Iron Age.”